Oh where do I
start? This one just...ugh. UGH.
First, Eric is
kicking some Yakuza ass, then he and Pam are captured and are forced to wait
for the sunrise demise. Oh but wait! In rides Mr. Gus – the Yakuza Cowboy with his
white suit and black Stetson so you know he’s one of the bad guys. He wants
Sara Newlin as well and after some typical man bickering, Pam buts in and makes
a deal – they’ll give up Newlin’s location if they get out of their silver
chains. She tells them to stop with their dick measuring contest and get over
it! They decide that Eric gets to kill her, and Gus can have her body. Once the
shades are drawn and their death by sunlight has been stopped, Pam tells Gus
about Sara’s sister.

discovering that he’s Hep-V-Positive, Bill calls a lawyer to settle his
affairs. Jessica comes in the house and hears his conversation and tries to
maintain her composure but you can tell she’s stunned at the news. Bill is
gathering his papers in his office and see’s Jessica approaching. He asks her
about James, she asks if he’s okay, and they both lie and say they’re fine. Bill
leaves and goes to the lawyer’s office and has to take a number and wait! Bill
Compton. Waiting in the lobby with cheesy muzak and all.
Jessica is back still
at the house and calls Jason. She tells him she’s not okay, and he gets out of
bed to talk to her. She tells him to go get Sookie and bring her to Bill’s
house ASAP. Jason grabs his clothes and bolts out the door. Violet wakes, and
is pissed! Uh-oh. This isn’t going to be good. She goes all woman scorned and
breaks shit. Later, Jason goes back to find a note from Violet that the
relationship wasn’t working for her and she’s gone. Good riddance!
Jason gets to
Sookie’s and finds her still curled in bed wrapped in Alcide’s jacket. He drags
Sookie out of bed and makes her go to
Bill’s house. Once they arrive, Jessica tells Sookie about Bill’s status. Sook
realizes that she may be infected and asks Jason to take her to get tested. You
know what’s coming don’t you? The results are in and Sookie Stackhouse, you ARE
a Hep-V Carrier. You gave it to Bill. Bitch. How many men will you have a hand
in killing on this show?

He returns home
to find Sookie and Jessica crying on his stairs.
Andy wakes up
and hears Adelyn making some moaning sounds from her room. Thinking she’s
crying, he walks into room and finds her underneath Wade. Ahem.
Andy goes into dad mode, freaks out, screams and jumps at him!
“Fucken little piss-ant cock-sucker! I’m
going to ring your neck you little cock sucker!”
He jumps over
the bed, and runs out of the house with Andy hot on his tail, followed by
Holly, Adelyn, and Arlene. Arlene defends her boy, and takes him home until
Andy calms down, telling him she’ll deal with him later. Holly tries to cover
Wade’s naked bum as they walk away. Or maybe she’s copping a feel of young
As they arrive
at BelleFleurs, Arlene tells Holly to let Andy out of the dog house, and talk
to her son about the birds and the bees before she has grandkids are your step-grandkids
too! They get inside the restaurant and find the mess that was left behind,
Arlene says
“Well, shit happens Holly. You clean it
Andy comes in
still pissed that Holly’s son was “sticking it” to his daughter. The two face
off, Andy blaming Wade, Holly blaming Adelyn. Arlene tells them to both shut
their pie holes! Love her! She gives her advice to get them talking, and work things
out. They apologize with a few jabs thrown in and Arlene kicks them out to talk
to those crazy hormone raging kids. They go home only to find that they have
left because they want to be alone.
Holly says “Rocky honey, you know that I love. I do. But I will GUT you if I have to. Now where THE FUCK did they go?”
And I thought my
mom was scary. *Shivers*
In a treehouse,
they’re playing kissy face again when Violet shows up. She cons them saying
that she can smell Adilyn a mile away. Ditch the cells phones so they can’t be
“Who am I to stand in the way of true
She leads them
Lafayette takes
Lettie Mae back to his place, and discovers James it there waiting. He asks for
a place to stay the night. Lafayette tells him in his sultry voice “Sure thing.”
introductions are made, Lafayette schools Lettie Mae, telling her:
is a vampire, but be getting no bright ideas of taking a cleaver to him in the
middle of the day.”
Mama-Mae tells
her Tara woes, and James volunteers his own blood, believing that Tara may be
trying to talk to her. Lafayette says fine, but he getting vamp-high with her.
“We’re about to put some closure on this
bitch. You getting me?”
James feeds both
of them, they flop on the couch in their Vampblood high, and James goes down to
the cellar. Mama-Mae starts to dream about Tara, who leads her and Lafayette
back to their old house. Tara is digging up something in the yard, and the Rev
wakes up Mae. Lafayette believes Mama-Mae and says they have to get to that old
house. Rev tells Lettie Mae that he loves her, but cannot see her watch and do
this to herself. Tells her she has to choose – the V or him. She says it’s not
about the “V”, that her baby is trying to tell her something and she has to do
this. The Rev walks away.
Sam returns home to
find his woman Nicki is going home. Not for a few days – she’s leaving for good
saying she doesn’t belong there. She. Is. Done.
Sara is seen
jumping the fence and breaking into said sister’s casa. Once inside, her sister
jumps her and takes a bite out of her, then proceeds to choke on Sara’s blood.
Once they get up, Sara is surprised that her sister is sick, and Amber tells
her “Fuck you, you did this to me”
then promptly passes out.
Amberwakes up,
and Sara confesses that the Yakuza and some other really awful vampires are trying
to kill her and sissy tells her to get out. She doesn’t care that their parents
are dead, telling Sara that they all turned their backs on her and make her
sick. Made her sick. Sara says she’s not that same person. She’s Newme. Not
Sara Newlin anymore. She then tells her that she drank the antidote when the vampires
revolted and she drank the entire supply of Hep-V Antidote. She’s the savior!
“ I am the antidote sweetie. Let me save
Tango. Foxtrot!
The Yakuza and their
TRD-infused imports show up at Amber’s house. She answers the door and they
find her…cured.
Pam of course, barks “What. The. Fuck?”
Eric grabs her by the
throat and asks “How come you’re healed?”
How does TB take the most
heinous character and make her the one that can save everyone? Genius. Pure genius.
Evil genius.
Next week: Amber
tells that Sara is the cure. Sookie is running off to find it. Andy can’t find
Adilyn and calls on Jessica for help. Violet is still evil and twisted.
Dead this week:
no one!