Seems the Secret
Service is in charge – taking watch over Fitz to keep him in line. The VP is in
calling the shots now and the aids, pages, staff, guards, valets, butlers, all
part of his support group. All part of the VP’s secret Hydra organization.
Where’s the Red Skull and Captain America when you need them?

When she tries to go rogue and improvise
Eli tells her to quit it or he will eff her shit up. She gets a glass of water,
which is a sign that she’s really not in some foreign hell-hole country.
Hey there’s
Mellie! All cleaned up and looking cute again. She senses something is wrong
with Fitz, and blurts out that she’s sleeping with Andrew who is sleeping with
Elizabeth North. Holy Crap – is Mellie Hydra as well? She confesses to Fitz
that she was sleeping with Andy, Fitz pretends to share a kiss whispers that
her boyfriend is behind the coup to take out his presidency. He knows he’s going to kill Olivia because he
cannot save one person and take thousands of others. Their son died because of
this, he cannot do it. Mellie says, I thought you loved her. He does. Mellie
says, “then you know what you have to do.”
And he does. He
orders attack on West Angola because they supposedly attacked the VP (but we
all know that wasn’t true). Abby and Cyrus are shocked and can’t believe this
is really happening. Liv sees the video of this and is surprised that Fitz did
this for her. Once he has his press conference, Fitz goes to Andrew and demands
Olivia be released. Andrew says no dude, it takes time for a war. There’s other
issues: rolling back gun control, equal pay, and education. Now there’s a true
Republican talkin’! Fitz realizes that Andrew
may never let Olivia go.
Abby sees Cyrus
pacing and starts asking questions. Everyone hates the VP – why is Fitz
listening to the VP? Why is he in, and I’m out? Oh Cyrus, everyone knows you’re
out – that was like four episodes ago. Cyrus talks to Fitz – who wants his
thoughts. Cyrus says he’s thinking what the heck is his problem? Fitz gives him
the report and demands he read sit. When he finally does, the first page says
“They have Olivia”.

Olivia calls
his bluff and asks him what he wants. She tells him he wants power and he has
the most valuable item on the planet – her. He can either be a babysitter for
her for the next few years or he can get her cleaned up and sell her to the
open market and see what he gets. Seeming as how the president will do anything
– Eli has the control since he has her.
Now Tom is asking
for a pardon. Says that Jerry was a nice boy, but Fitz is a great man and he
had to make a choice so J had to go. Sacrifices dude. Fitz wants to know who he
can trust in the White House. Who hasn’t been turned? Tom tells him no-one.
Everyone bad. Bad. Just bad.
Tom then says “A
face that launched a thousand ships.” Asks him if he will launch a thousand ships to save Ms. Pope. We know damn well he will.
Someone walks into
OPA looking for the black lady – the one in charge. Rose is asking how long Olivia
will be gone. Finn says that maybe she can help and Rose asks “Are you the
black lady?” Um, no, and no you cannot help. Rose drops the mic and walks out.
Two snaps up for Rose. Seems like Marla Gibbs can still throw some attitude!
She comes back
again. Says that Lois wont’ answer her phone, her door, and the Black Lady has
her spare key. Olivia lives across the hall. Huckelberry-Quinn and Jake search
Lois’ apartment and Huck finds Olivia’s ring under the rug. They find the
internet connection and Huck goes nerd mode and finds who hacked into the
internet, and find Ian (aka whoever, aka whatever he has more alias names). Fitz
visits Liv’s place and meets Jake – handing off the flashdrive with her capture
video and is looking for clues. HuckleberryQuinn are trying to get info.
Lizzie has a
daughter Jane, and is all sweet mom kissing her goodnight until HUCK! HUCKING
HUCK!! He wants his Liv back and if Lizzie doesn’t give Huck her location, he
will cut that kid! GO HUCK! Oh, wait. Kinda sucks to threaten a kid, but hey,
you do what you have to for the OPP. Lizzie is freaked and tells Andy Hey, what
the heck? He tells her this whole war thing was her idea so get her head in the
game because he’s the next president and she needs to get on that train ride to
the end. Come on ride that train, and ride it! Choo Choo. Lizzy then goes to
Mellie and claims that she has nothing to do with the Olivia kidnapping. Lizzy
tells Mel that someone broke into her home, and Lizzy shows Mellie her back –
which is all cut up and nasty! She says he’ll kill her if Olivia doesn’t come
back. Lizzy knows that since Fitz will do anything for Olivia, he will keep demanding
and demanding while holding Liv hostage. Mellie goes to Andrew and calls him on
his shit. Asks him to choose between her and Lizzy. He says he wants her to be
in the oval with him in the future. Mellie must be playing him, right? RIGHT? Of
course she is. She snatches his cell phones and gives them to HuckleberryQuinn
and Jake.

With Jake leading
the team, they hit the warehouse and find – it’s empty! Jake finds Olivia’s
sweater and knows that she was there but is gone. Huck knows she’s alive but
Quinn isn’t so sure. Olivia calls the
president from a plane, and Eli makes a deal to sell her to the highest bidder
– since she’s the one that controls the POTUS.
Whew. Did you get
all that? I think I had to watch twice to get it all.
Next week: The
auction for OP and control of the president. Possible players: Drug dealers,
world leaders, evil dudes, and Mama Pope!
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