Yes, I know I
didn’t post a full review of Episode 1. Why? Because I was pissy. I get the “ripped
from the headlines” stories but pulling a Princess Di storyline? Listen, I’m
not a Princess fan. Couldn’t bloody care about the royal family and their
brood. It just seemed cheep and too easy for Scandal. So – poo. I didn’t post.
Whatver. Back to my snarky commentary about this week’s episode.

Oh Sally!
She’s just outed
the President and Liv and their little love fest! Fitz wants answers and
wonders where the leak is coming from. Fitz wants David Rosen to find out what
happened. Abby and Lizzy want him to make a statement.
“We’re gonna
need a bigger boat.” Says Abby. Lizzy, freaking out and thinking that Fitz’
demand for Olivia means that they’re going to do a dual press conference, is
promptly schooled by Abby. Olivia is always in control – and she’s handling
things her way.
“The President is about to get Poped!”
She’s on her way
out to fix her own scandal, and Sally is on her tail.
She goes to
Quinn’s house and steals her clothes and wine, demanding cases to distract her
from her own drama. She wants to work and get away from the press and questions.
Meanwhile, the
press is demanding information from the president. Mellie wants an apology, for
throwing her out and making Liv America’s Mistress.
She wants an apology and
she’ll help cover for Liv and make up a George Glass boyfriend. Fitz accuses
her of leaking the photos, and she denies it, claiming it would hurt her
presidential plan. Mellie eggs him – “Say the magic words Fitz” - apologize. He
says: “Get. Out!”
“Malarkey and
DooDoo!” Screams Vice President Susan. Fitz wants David to go after Mellie. VP
is stuttering….Oh. Oh. Lightbulb. On. David goes to investigate Mellie’s
computers. She’s pissy and calls him a two-bit, bus stop divorce attorney.
Olivia is in the
wind, the press is hovering, Jake and Huck return. Olivia is interviewing the
young wife of a deceased older man. The son, Gavin Price, or as his college
friends know him “G-Preezy” is on the run after being bailed out of jail,
accused of murdering his father.
Jake: How does a guy facing a murder charge even
get bail?
Quinn: By being Rich and White.
Word. Shonda
Rhymes speaks the truth. Ahem…moving on.
Step-mommy wants
step-son found before anyone knows he’s missing. He’s ditches his phone, pawned
his daddy’s watch, but Quinn helps Liv track him down and she finds him at a
casino. He says table is cold, she says she can warm it up. He tells her he’s
not interested in sex, she pretends to drop her phone and handcuffs his ankle
to the chair. Jake steps in and helps. Gavin says he didn’t do it, he was
arguing with dad about a house he was building and out of money. Says step-mommie-dearest
did it, since she was having an affair and her pre-nup would prevent her from getting
a cent. Investigation into daddy’s will shows he was changing his will – to cut
out Gavin for forging checks for his house build.
While they’re at
a diner, Liv is recognized and suddenly mobbed with people wanting selfies with
lover-girl. Jake to the rescue! While distracted, Gavin ditches them. Later,
Liv is in a hotel room, replaying conversations about Jake-Fitz in her head.
Jake comes back and finds her teary eyed, and gives her a beer (they couldn’t
find wine), telling her the photos of her at the diner are on the interwebs. On
the upside, a car reported stolen from the parking lot – Quinn is tracking it
to find Gavin. Jake gets comfy next to Liv, drinks his beer and she starts to
“When did it
happen. When did I turn right instead of left?” What one step caused her to get
there. She tells Jake she’s scared, he says he knows. Jake ends up providing
her comfort by spooning with her in bed.
The next day, they
end up finding Gavin at his unfinished house. Claims he was called a weasel all
his life, he got mad at daddy and pushed him. Boo hoo.

Later, Quinn
finds Huck at a bar, and starts talking and he tells her to go away. She says
she’s not much different than him. She’s not his all American girl. He says something
is wrong with him, and she’s all “yah, me too.” Huck says he missed her. He
missed her a lot.
Cryus calls Abby
saying she just wrote Kimmel’s monologue. Tells her to be the adult, repeats it
again and again, she asks if he’s day drinking (haha), and Cyrus tells her to
be the adult, make Fitz the child, and don’t ask him to move Mellie back in,
just make them do it. Abby does a press
conference announcing Mellie’s return, Cyrus and Abby continue to talk, leading
her to the insider with motive to leak those photos and out the President.
Fitz tells the
VP Susan she needs to fill in for him, and she asks him “do you think about us?
The people that voted for you? While you’re having an affair, do you think
about the people that voted for you?” He says he’s a flawed person, just like
anyone else. She says that’s not the job he signed up for. He can’t be just
like everyone else.
Abby asks Fitz
if he knows where Liv is, and has he seen the photos. He says yes, and he knows
who she is with. Fitz calls Mellie and says he’s sorry and wants her to come
home. He also calls Liv and tells her to stay away – she doesn’t want this,
referring to the scandal and intrusion in her life.
David Rosen
discovers Mellie’s key code was used to access the server, but she didn’t
download the photos. Her emails, however…Abby reads Rosen’s report and finds something
juicy. Lizzie finds Mellie back in the room, she’s not happy. Liz is pissy
about it and tells Abby she’s done – get out. Abby tells her she knows that
Lizzy is the one that leaked the photos to Sally Langston! Abby doesn’t want to
work for Lizzy, she wants to be equal. They can both be adults, or she can make
Lizzy her bitch.
Power. Abby. Boom.
The show ends
with Liv cornered by the press. They’re asking if she’s the president’s
mistress. She hesitates, then…YES. YES. YES!!!
Holy. Eff.
Really? I saw that coming, but wow – I can’t wait for the next episode. I trust
you Shonda. Don’t let me down. No more cheesy princess stories. Drama. Fast
Talking Liv. That’s what I need.
Until next week…
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