Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tamed, by Emma Chase

There’s something about reading a book from a man’s point of view – it’s different. Honest. Most of all, it’s hilarious! That’s what I love about this series. Tamed features Matthew Fisher (Drew’s best friend) and the developing relationship between him and Delores (Kate’s BFF). The book runs concurrent in time with Tangled, and you get just a bit of outsider perspective on what happened with Kate and her douchey ex-boyfriend Billy. 

“While he [Drew] and Kate were figuring their shit out? There was this whole alternate universe going on with Delores and me that you don’t know about. So stick around.”  

Matthew is Drew-lite. He’s wickedly adorable, has smart observations about women (and Dee in particular), and is funny! While first impressions of her makes him think that she’s a stripper (the wild clothes and all), he’s surprised to find that she’s a chemist. Kate tells him Dee is a love-em and leave-em kinda girl. Just what Matthew is looking for! He gets Dee’s business card from Kate, and is excited to give her a go.

“And now I know how Charlie felt when he was handed the last golden ticket to Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.”

 Dee gets the call from Matthew and is game for whatever he’s offering. A night (or a few) of fun with no strings attached. 

“I like my martinis just like my sex…Dirty is always better.”

She’s smart, quirky, and confident. She is independent and goes after what she wants. They hook up, and when he says he wants to see her again, she’s not waiting around for his phone call. Matthew realizes that he wants more of Dee. Dee on the other hand is not a relationship kind of girl

“I’m more content person when I’m not in a relationship. When I get serious with someone….I get a little crazy.”

What you discover is that Dee has some issues and Matthew is going to work through them to get his girl. For every wall she put up, he does his best to tear it down. Matthew has his own baggage as well, but the two of them fight with, and for each other, with hilarious banter and obvious chemistry. 

Alexandria, Steven, Mackenzie, Drew, and Kate all make appearances. Lexi is particularly bitchy, but you love her for it. Add in conniving ex and you’ve got a great story!  This one made me laugh and at one point, snort! After hearing about Matthew’s version of the pre-Thanksgiving dinner, It also made me go back and re-read that scene in Tangled (my favorite EVER!).  This book also made up for the long list of clunkers I've read over the past few months.

Emma Chase continues to write the perfect blend of comedy, romance, snarky conversations, lovable characters, and does the best bitch in Lexi that I’ve ever read! Lexi rocks, but only a short second to Mackenzie.  It’s going to be a long three months before Tied comes out – which circles back to Drew and Kate and their upcoming wedding. 

“The greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way”

I can only imagine what happens on the way to the altar! Can’t wait!

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